How-To : The Perfect Christmas Wrapping

How-To : The Perfect Christmas Wrapping

December 08, 2014

Christmas has crept up on us once again. All of a sudden we are desperately seeking the perfect gifts for our family and friends. Our favourite part of the season? The wrapping of course. First impressions do last, and a beautifully wrapped gift always goes down a treat. Follow our how-to below for your own wrapping goodness.

terrace press letterpress gift wrap  


Wrapping Paper
Double sided tape dispenser

Paper Scissors

Navy Leather Thin Twine

Eco Natural Ribbon with Metallic Gold

Ribbon Scissors


1. Measure out and cut your gift wrap. Fold one end so you get a nice clean edge (approximately 1 - 2 cms wide).

christmas terrace press letterpress studio 

2. Line this folded end up to the edge of one of the sides of your gift.

gift wrap letterpress  

3. Now that you have lined up this edge, take the other end of the wrapping paper and fold it around the gift. Bring your folded side back on top. Seal this with the double sided tape tab roller for a nice clean finish.

letterpress gift wrap 

4. Make a 45 degree angle from the edge of the gift and fold the paper. Repeat on the other edge.

christmas wrapping how to

5. Fold these diagonally across and seal down with the double sided tape. Bring the point up and seal once again with the double sided tape. Repeat at other end.

 letterpress christmas wrapping

6. Cut your ribbon with your ribbon scissors and wrap around the gift (secure with the double sided tape for an extra finished look). Finish off with some of the twine in a bow.

christmas wrapping terrace press


  1. Its always best to assign a sharp pair of scissors just for ribbon so you get a nice clean cut each time.
  2. Measure out just enough paper - you don’t want too much at the ends as it becomes too bulky to seal.
  3. Seal your gifts with double sided tape tab roller for a nice clean finish every time.
  4. Make sure you fold the paper at the 45 degree angle so you have tight corners to seal.
  5. Fold the ribbon in half and cut diagonally down to end up with perfect points.


Visit our online shop to purchase some of your own wrapping paper and ribbons.