Wedding Traditions: Is it time we broke them?

Wedding Traditions: Is it time we broke them?

June 12, 2020

Weddings are replete with tradition, whether it is a particular aspect that has run in the family or longheld cultural norms. In the modern era, many of these ideas feel a little outdated and impersonal. Your wedding should be a celebration of your unique relationship, not a checklist of expectations, so we asked the question: which traditions should we stick to and which can we bid adieu?


Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue 

It's a rom-com mainstay, isn't it? The bride frets at the last minute because she forgot her "something blue," and so the wedding is doomed. While the age-old tradition shouldn't leave you concerned for the future of your marriage, it can be a cute and fun idea to integrate. The key here is personalisation (and actively deciding whether to tick all the boxes or just a couple). We love the idea of reworking a piece from your grandmother's jewellery box or borrowing something beautiful from one of your guests. 



Wearing a Garter

A garter adds a touch of cheekiness and fun to your wedding day so, if you are game, we are all for it. (Note that wearing a garter doesn't mean you have to remove it in front of everyone, either. You might choose to keep that for yourselves and enjoy a post-reception giggle).



Spending Your Wedding Eve Apart

While an element of surprise on the aisle is a special moment, it's clearly much more difficult to achieve these days. Small apartments and little storage space make keeping your dress secret a challenging task. Instead, why not take the evening and get ready together? It might not be traditional, but it's a sure-fire way to help calm the nerves and spend some intimate time alone (or in front of the camera) before a busy day of interacting and celebrating with guests. 



Father & Daughter Walking Down the Aisle

Sure, it's a duty most fathers expect and look forward to, but it isn't set in stone. For those of us raised by two parents, you might choose to invite both to walk you down the aisle. If your parents have separated - but are on relatively good terms - this can also be a thoughtful gesture to integrate both sides and clear the air for a joyous day ahead. 



The Best Man and Maid of Honour as Witnesses

Selecting your bridal party can be one of the most challenging parts of the planning process. We weigh up our friendships and familial ties to come up with a shortlist of favourite people, but so often our circles extend beyond this limited number. To involve more of your special people and give them an important role on the day, you might choose to ask someone who isn't in your bridal party to act as a witness. Consider another beloved family member or friend and bind those ties. 



Groomsmen are Men; Bridesmaids are Women

This is another tradition that feels awfully antiquated - since when are we only friends with those of our own gender? Just because they are labelled as grooms-"men" and brides-"maids" doesn't mean we have to stick to the norm here. Ask your best male mate to stand by your side, and your partner may or may not choose to do the same. Regardless, you want those closest supporting and enjoying this special day with you. 


Ultimately, the traditions you choose to stick to or ignore come down to the decisions you make with your partner. Start the conversation and discuss those you each deem important or unnecessary, then mould the day to suit. After all, it is a celebration of you. 

Photography: Alana Taylor Photography